Freshman Year

Al kisah bermula apabila aku dapat surat tawaran further study dekat one of the top university in Malaysia. First impression when I got the letter I was like “Aku mimpi ke apa ni? Betul ke apa yang aku baca ni?” Nampak sangat tak percaya kat situ. Lewls. 

For those who are wandering what course I was in here well here I am telling you guys. Diploma in Microbiology at UiTM Kuala Pilah

Okay, dipendekkan cerita aku dapat surat tawaran dari universiti yang aku aim. Alhamdulillah. Dah nama pun university mestilah kena duduk asrama kan. Err. Worst fear weh. Sebab apa? Sebab hostel la aku trauma until now. Like seriously. Okay sambung cerita balik. Anyway, because I have never experience the life of staying at hostel so I have to shop for my needs. I spent 2 weeks and more to buy my HOSTEL STUFF ONLY (not include student needs)

Honestly, I have no heart at all to go there. Being away from family, friends and my room is like a nightmare to me but apa boleh buat I have to go there anyway & the most sad part is none friends are there. None means NO ONE.

*at the campus*
Mula-mula sampai ternganga jugak la. Sebab apa? Sebab kampus aku dekat hutan kot. Bukan hutan tapi dalam hutan.
*dalam hati* okeyy Aiman okeyy  -___-


First week

1.       MDS
Quite fun & really letih. What actually happens? Biarlah rahsia.
2.       Met new friends, people & animals too. Kekekeke.

Second week
1.       MDS over bebeh :D
2.       Check jadual kelas. Hidup dekat universiti kena belajar berdikari. Takde maknenya semua dah disediakan.
3.       Tawaf campus. What every freshman do including me. Heehee.
5.       Going to class, wait for lecturer and …
6.       Met my fellow classmates Konon masing-masing segan tapi riuh kalah zoo.

Before mid-semester break

1.       Met my frenemy that I was not pleased to meet which is pre calculus. Nasib baik jumpa kau sem ni je. Err.
2.       Lectures, tutorial, lab. Lectures, tutorial, lab. Lectures, tutorial, lab sampai pengsan. Kuikui. Ohh and presentation for the first time in forever.
3.       Money flows like river cause of online shopping. Salahkan instagram ehh. *tetiba
4.       Transformers at Seremban. Heaven gila dapat keluar.
5.       Makes a surprise home coming to mom & dad tapi tak jadi last-last kena marah & esoknya kena halau balik Pilah. K fine.
7.       Usha crush walaupun takde yang hensem kat sini. Lol.
8.       Belajar stay up. Pagi esok semua tidur tak ingat dunia. Kahkah.
9.       A week before mid-sem kami dihadiahkan dengan berbakul quiz & test. Tak kelakor.
10.   Going to Pilah pasar malam by UiTM bus & kena tinggal dengan bus yang sama. Cehh.

After mid-semester break

1.       Countdown cuti sem. Semangat woi!
2.       Same as before mid-sem actually just that no lab cause we are focusing on final exam. Dup to the dap to the dip to the dop.
3.       Presentation lagi. Quiz lagi. Test lagi. *dah lali* *muntah*
4.       Dinner le Microbians. Meriah tak terkata. Happy tak terkata. Senyum je aku malam tu.
5.       Balik rumah mengejut & orang rumah was like “pehal kau balik?” kwaja betui
6.       Ada satu minggu tu accidently asyik jumpa crush everyday. Jodoh ke apa ni? #perasan
7.       Family Day le Microbians. Tak letih, happy tahap gaban. Mandi telur, tepung, teh. First time jugak weh. Al-maklumlah. Best day ever.
8.       Pasar malam lagi. Sebab dah nak habis semester. Hok aloh.
9.       Budak sains pindah Tapah. Including my housemates. Tak sedih just hmm entahlah. Sunyi Pilah ni nanti.
10.   Panjat bukit yang katanya best. Katanya.
11.   Money flows like river again. Sebab apa? End of sem orang lain jimat aku jimba. Beng-ong.
12.   Experience the most bored and taktau nak buat apa study week. Citenya tidurlah.
13.   Berangan tak sabar nak sem 5 padahal baru sem 1. Podahh.
14.   Final exam yang sangat creepy. Honestly, I feel like taking SPM back. Scary dia tahap infinity.

Malas nak cerita panjang-panjang so nahh amik tengok gambar puas-puas


muka excited dapat pakai lab coat masing-masing





Well, everything happens for a reason. Ada sebab kenapa aku ditakdirkan duduk sini. Apapun, I have experience the best hostel moments & campus life along this semester. Can’t wait for next semester!